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We Believe
Everyone Is A Math Person.

When we envision great math education, we think about students becoming:
Good Communicators
Problem Solvers
Able To Understand The World Through Mathematics

What we've been able to show in our work with schools and districts is that by focusing on these objectives, rather than narrowly focusing on computational skills and correct answers — student performance skyrockets. This has the effect of realigning goals at the district level, with goals at the classroom level. A feat that cannot be overstated.

The impact of this work on students, mathematics.
Realign District-level and classroom-level goals
Build a culture of analyzing student thinking & identifying student assets
More student enjoyment of math, less fear, stress, and dread

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your business can rely on

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IdeaPro everything we do
we do it with love

Human beings have an innate inner drive to be autonomous, self-determined and connected to one another. And, when that drive is liberated, people achieve more and live richer lives.