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Coordinate & automate incident resolution


Coordinate & automate incident resolution


Coordinate & automate incident resolution


Coordinate & automate incident resolution


IdeaPro everything we do, we do it with love

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.

Customer Support

Make every detail perfect & limit the number of details.


Make every detail perfect & limit the number of details.

Impact On
District Culture

One of the ways we help districts is by building a culture of analyzing student thinking and doing so in an asset-based way. This is one of the elements of our work that leads to long-lasting change in a district's math progran.

Aly Martinez
Instructional Coordinator, San Diego Unified School District

“It’s been wonderful to see the new conversations that are happening now. A lot of principals are saying things like “my state test scores show me this, my Math ANEX scores tell me this, and through both of these pieces of complementary data, I now have a stronger understanding of where my school is and what’s next.” This is simply not something that was happening before. We didn’t have a body of evidence, we had one single data source, and it was a data source that was flawed."

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